USC-ROLC Delivers Assistance to the University of Jaffna in Sri Lanka






Sri Lanka

On December 5, USC-ROLC Deputy Executive Director Steven Austermiller delivered ROLC’s first in-person training to the University of Jaffna, Department of Law. Austermiller was in Sri Lanka for two weeks helping the university modernize its legal curriculum, which includes developing a three-semester Legal English program for all Jaffna law students. Despite limited resources, the University of Jaffna is moving forward with the promotion of legal English and the Rule of Law Collaborative is assisting through another program, in cooperation with Chemonics International. Austermiller provided the first semester design and facilitated co-creation sessions with Jaffna’s Department of Law and Department of English Language Teaching. The goal is to finalize and implement a groundbreaking program that is co-sponsored  and co-delivered by the two Jaffna departments. ROLC will continue this important assistance with development of the second and third semesters, as well as train-the-trainer events.