UNESCO Visits ROLC’s Office

UNESCO Visits ROLC’s Office

On March 1, 2024, ROLC met with Karel Fracapane, Programme Specialist UNESCO’s (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) Section of Global Citizenship and Peace Education. ROLC presented on its justice sector capacity building and civil...
ROLC is hiring!

ROLC is hiring!

If you or someone you know is an aspiring rule of law practitioner, check out our vacant Program Officer position. You can view the full job posting here.
Tanzanian Presidential Candidate Meets with ROLC

Tanzanian Presidential Candidate Meets with ROLC

Former Tanzanian Parliament Member and Presidential Candidate Tundu Lissu met with Rule of Law Collaborative Deputy Director Steven Austermiller on campus. Mr. Lissu survived multiple assassination attempts while serving in Parliament and is committed to reform work...