by Kiel Downey | Oct 21, 2020 | ROLC News
For those interested in acquiring a deeper understanding of antiracist ideologies in the United States, the College of Social Work Book Club will be hosting an online discussion of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi’s bestselling book, “How to Be an Antiracist,” on October 29th at...
by Abby Natividad | Sep 24, 2020 | ROLC News
On October 8, FHI 360 and the Evidence in Governance and Politics (EGAP) network will host an event via Zoom that focuses on community policing. See below for a summary of event details. Please contact the organizers for questions. For more information and...
by Tyler Hammett | Aug 5, 2020 | ROLC News
ROLC Director Joel Samuels was quoted in a front-page article of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. The story covers an FBI and IRS raid of Optima Management Group as part of a long-standing investigation against Igor Kolomoisky, a Ukrainian oligarch accused of laundering...
by Kiel Downey | Oct 31, 2019 | ROLC News
The Center for Civil Rights History and Research at the University of South Carolina will host Dr. Jeanne Theoharis for a public lecture titled “Revisiting Rosa Parks in the Age of Black Lives Matter.” Dr. Theoharis is a Distinguished Professor of Political Science at...
by Kiel Downey | Sep 27, 2019 | ROLC News
In August of 2018, ROLC was gifted $95,500 by the Vital Projects Fund, Inc. to support research into the roles and responsibilities of sheriffs in the 50 states—The Sheriff Accountability Project. The project is led by Jessica Pishko, a Visiting Fellow with ROLC. Read...